Defending Nurse Licenses


I’d like to share with you what I think is the number one reason why nurses make mistakes while providing patient care. Over the years, I’ve hand...
As a nurse, protecting yourself from potential legal issues is crucial to maintaining a successful career. In this article, we will explore key ways to safeg...
I recently learned of a nurse that was fired from her job. Allegedly, she was blamed for the mistreatment of a patient that her employer believed fell below ...
In a previous article, I wrote about what to do when you receive a letter of complaint/investigation from the NSBN. In this article, we’ll discuss what...
One of the most difficult moments in your career might come when you receive a “Notice of Complaint/Investigation” from the Nevada State Board of...
As a nurse in Nevada, facing problems at work can be overwhelming and stressful. From workplace harassment to unsafe conditions, these issues can impact your...
I’ve been using a static website for a number of years and decided it was time for a change. It’s time to share with my readers some of the lesso...